We identify the suppliers and help you select the best one for your unique needs.

Selecting Tech was founded because we knew organizations could find the best technology much easier!

Technology evolves daily. It is impossible for any one individual to keep up with all the information that is available. This information overload often puts businesses in paralysis by analysis when it comes to their technology purchases. Our goal is to not only help business owners make a technology purchasing decision but make the decision that they can easily explain and justify to their bosses. Through our relationships with more than 400 Communications, Data and Cloud companies, we can get to know your needs and match you to your company’s ideal fit.

By providing all the necessary tools, we take the research out of the decision-making process. We take the time to educate our customers on how making new investments in technology can save them money and make them much more productive. We bring each of our customers multiple vendors to choose from and assist them in understanding the differences between their products. Our trusted advisors work one on one with every client to ensure they make the right purchase for their organization. 

One of the best ways to get started with us is to take advantage of a free cost analysis. During this review we will take a close look at all of the technology service you have in place today and make recommendations where cost savings and proficiency can be improved. We are proud to say we have clients who have reduced costs by more than 70 percent thanks to the solutions we were able to provide them with.

There are common stresses associated with technology purchases.
We will take the stress away.

We will provide a wealth of information throughout the process, which includes:

A discussion regarding your current technological needs and a projection of what needs are likely to arise

The most reliable and highest rated solutions in the industry

Guaranteed low prices, which have proven to save our customers more than half of what they would otherwise spend.

A dedicated (U.S. based) Account Manager, who will provide the ongoing support necessary to ensure the best quality in our industry.